UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:國務院表明會維持股市穩定,恆生指數升1千多點。每日報告(16/3/2022)
UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:國務院表明會維持股市穩定,恆生指數升1千多點。每日報告(16/3/2022)
受惠在美國上市的中概股在星期二晚大幅反彈,港股星期三高開。恆生指數開市升541點,國企指數升234點,科技指數升217點。科技股領升,美團升7.83%,令指數升58點。騰訊升5.8%,令指數升57點。阿里巴巴升4.56%,令指數升24點。京東升12.3%,為升幅最大藍籌股,令指數升24點。平保升3.9%,令指數升22點。李寧跌3.24%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。科技股反彈,嗶哩嗶哩升15%,萬國數據升15%,攜程升14.5%,京東健康升8.6%,快手升7.9%。電動車股反彈,理想汽車升13.6%,小鵬汽車升11.5%,比亞迪升7%。A股開市升44點。開市後港股變化不大,恆生指數升約500點。內銀股遍軟,建設銀行跌0.56%,工商銀行跌0.9%,中國銀行跌0.7%。香港地產股下跌,恆隆地產跌3%,長實集團跌1.53%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。醫藥股反彈,中生製藥發盈喜,2021年純利升4倍, 升8.4%,海吉亞醫療升14%,藥明巨諾升8%,金斯瑞升8.9%。澳門博彩股上升,金沙升8.2%,銀娛跌7.1%。上證綜合指數由升轉跌,港股升幅收窄。一度只升186點,但上午收市升幅擴大,恆生指數上午收市升460點,國企指數升195點,科技指數升210點,成交1116億元。
下午港股大幅反彈,恆生指數升1千多點。A股由跌轉升,中國國務院金融工作會議表示,中美監管機構談判,取得積極進展,國家政策要維持股市穩定。投資者趁低吸納,科技股領升,騰訊升23%,令指數升230點。美團升32%,令指數升236點。阿里巴巴升27%,令指數升264點。港交所升12%,令指數升90點。京東升36%,令指數升70點。友邦升5.45%,令指數升52點。平保升8.8%,令指數升59點。小米升16.7%,令指數升65點。比亞迪升17.8%,令指數升50點。內房股反彈,碧桂園服務升19%,龍湖升15.9%,碧桂園升15.1%。手機設備股上升,瑞聲升16%,舜宇升15%。恆生指數升破20000點,最高升至20121點,升1706點。科技股急升,萬國數據升50%,嗶哩嗶哩升40%,攜升33%,快手升32%。相反香港概念股下跌,長實集團跌2.75%,電能跌1.8%,滙豐跌1.5%,長江基建跌1.5%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。A 股收市升107 點。恆生指數收市升1672點,國企指數升765點,科技指數升771點,成交3098億元。
Daily report
Hang Seng index soared more than 1000 points, on positive remarks from the State Council
Buoyed by the rebound in Chinese concept stocks in New York overnight, the Hong Kong market rebounded strongly on Wednesday. Hang Seng index opened up 541 points, H share index up 234 points and technology index up 217 points. Technology stocks led the rally. Meituan rose 7.83% for 58-point gain. Tencent rose 5.8% for 57-point gain. Alibaba rose 4.56% for 24-point gain. JD rose 12.3% to lead the blue chips for 24-poitn gain. Ping An rose 3.9% for 22-point gain. Li-ning lost 3.24% to become the top loser at opening. Technology stocks soared. Bili Bili rose 15%. GDS rose 15%. Trip.com rose 14.5%. JD Health rose 8.6%. Kuaishou rose 7.9%. Electric car shares rose. Li Auto rose 13.6%. XPeng rose 11.5%. BYD rose 7%. A shares opened up 44 points. The market were little changed after opening. Hang Seng index gained more than 500 points. Mainland banks fell slightly. CCB lost 0.56%. ICBC lost 0.9%. BOC lost 0.7%. Local properties fell. Hang Lung lost 3% and CK Assets lost 1.53% to top the losers. Pharmaceutical shares rose. Sino Biopharm rose 8.4%. Hygeia rose 14%. Wuxi Apptec rose 8%. Genscript rose 8.9%. Macau gaming stocks rebounded. Sands rose 8.2%. Galaxy rose 7.1%. Hang Seng index closed the morning up 460 points, H share index up 195 points and technology index up 210 points. Turnover was $111.6 billion.
The market soared in the afternoon. A shares turned from loss to gain. Vice chairman Liu He said that negotiation between Chinese and American regulatory agencies achieved positive progress. The Government would maintain stability in the stock markets. A shares turned from loss to gain. Investors went bottom fishing. Technology stocks led the rally. Tencent rose 23% for 230 points. Meituan rose 32% for 236-point gain. Alibaba rose 27% for 264-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 12% for 90-point gain. JD rose 36% for 70-point gain. Xiaomi rose 16.7% for 65-point gain. AIA rose 5.1% for 52-point gain. Ping An rose 8.8% for 50-point gain. BYD rose 15.5% for 44-point gain. Mainland developers rose. CG Services rose 19%. Longfor rose 15.9%. Country Garden rose 15.1%. Handset suppliers rose. AAC rose 16%. Sunny Optical rose 15%. Hang Seng index reached a high of 20121, up 1706 points. On the contrary, Hong Kong concept stocks fell. CK Assets lost 2.75%. Power Assets lost 1.8%. HSBC lost 1.5%. CK Infrastructure lost 1.5%. They were the top losers. A shares closed up 107 points. Hang Seng index closed up 1672 points, H share index up 765 points and technology index up 771 points. Turnover was $309.8 billion.
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「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股