UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念: 俄烏和談有進展,港股急升。每日報告(30/3/2022)

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念: 俄烏和談有進展,港股急升。每日報告(30/3/2022)
下午港股升幅擴大,恆生指數升4百多點。金融股領升,友邦保險升3.46%,令指數升38點。滙豐升1.4%,令指數升28點。騰訊升2.1%,令指數升27點。港交所升2.4%,令指數升21點。平保升2.2%,令指數升15點。比亞迪升3.7%,令指數升14點。內房股上升,碧桂園服務升11%,碧桂園升6.6%,為升幅最大藍籌股;華潤置地升5.1%,龍湖升4.76%。融創升22%,世茂升9%,時代中國升19%,合景泰富升17%,佳兆業升13%。澳門股上升,金沙升5.3%,銀娛升2.9%,永利升4.6%。在俄羅斯有業務股份上升,吉利升4.1%,長城汽車升5.3%,俄鋁升6.75%。內銀股業績好,股價上升。建設銀行升1%,中銀香港升5.6%,中國銀行升2.3%,招商銀行升1.9%。A 股收市升57點。恆生指數最高升至22391點,升464點。收市升幅收窄,恆生指數收市升304點,國企指數升96點,科技指數升15點,成交1554億元。
Daily report
Hong Kong market soared as progress was reported in Ukraine-Russia negotiation.
The market opened higher on Wednesday. Hang Seng index rose 174 points. H share index rose 84 points and technology index rose 78 points. Technology stocks led the rally. Alibaba rose 1.32% for 21-point gain. Tencent rose 1.54% for 20-point gain. Meituan rose 1.5% for 15-point gain. CCB rose 1.22% for 15-point gain. HSBC rose 0.56% for 12-point gain. Ali Health rose 2.94% to lead the gainers. A shares opened up 13 points. The market rose further after opening, as progress was reported in Ukraine-Russia negotiation. Hang Seng index gained more than 300 points. Meituan rose 3.6% for36-point gain. Tencent rose 1.6% for 17-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 2.8% for 25-point gain. Alibaba rose 1.6% for 25-point gain. Geely rose 6.1% and BOCHK rose 5.45% to lead the gainers. On the contrary, Sino Biopharm lost 1.4% and Petrochina lost 1.2% to lead the losers. BYD reported decline in 2021 profit. Share price fell 1.1%. Kuaishou rose 3% on narrower 2021 loss. GCL rose 10% on turning from loss to profit. Jincheng Machinery rose 7.3%. CIMC rose 2.74%. A shares closed the morning up 41 points. Hang Seng index reached a high of 22291, up 364 points. The market’s gain narrowed as technology stocks retreated. Hang Seng index closed the morning up 253 points, H share index up 72 points and technology index up 12 points. Turnover was $78.9 billion.
The market rose further in the afternoon. Hang Seng index gained more than 400 points. AIA rose 3.46% for 38-point gain. HSBC rose 1.4% for 28-point gain. Tencent rose 2.1% for 27-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 2.4% for 21-point gain. Ping An rose 2.2% for 15-point gain. BYD rose 3.7% for 14-point gain. Mainland developers rose sharply. CG Services rose 11% and Country Garden rose 6.6% to lead the blue chips. CR Land rose 5.1%. Longfor rose 4.76%. Sunac rose 22%. Shimao rose 9%. Times China rose 19%. KWG Group rose 17%. Kaisa rose 13%. Macau gaming stocks rose. Sands rose 5.3%. Galaxy rose 2.9%. Wynn rose 4.6%. Shares with business in Russia rose. Geely rose 4.1%. Great Wall Motor rose 5.3%. Rusal rose 6.75%. Mainland banks rose on strong earnings. CCB rose 1%. BOCHK rose 5.6%. BOC rose 2.3%. CM Bank rose 1.9%. A shares closed up 57 points. Hang Seng index reached a high of 22391, up 464 points. The market retreated at the close. Hang Seng index closed up 304 points, H share index up 96 points and technology index up 15 points. Turnover was $155.4 billion.
利益申報 :
「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股
