UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:長假前港股窄幅上落。每日報告(24/12/2021)

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:長假前港股窄幅上落。每日報告(24/12/2021)
星期五港股開市上升,恆生指數升182點,國企指數升69點,科技指數升54點。騰訊升1.47%,令指數升28點。美團升1.4%,令指數升25點。滙豐升0.76%,令指數升13點。創科升2.67%,令指數升11點。澳門政府表示會續6個賭牌,澳門博彩股急升。金沙升4.97%,銀娛升3.23%,為升幅最大藍籌股。美高梅升6.7%,永利升3.7%,澳博升3.8%, A股開市升3點。開市後港股升幅收窄,高位有獲利回吐,投資者趁高沽貨。保利協鑫有高領入股4%,股價升4%。電力股個別上升,大唐新能源升4.5%,中國電力升2%。汽車股下跌,吉利跌2.46%。西安封城,生產受到影響,比亞迪跌2.33%。但恆大汽車升19%。中國軟件減持深圳開鴻股權,跌13%。騰訊收市前由升轉跌,令指數跌9點。長實集團沽出旗下飛機租賃公司,獲利13.2億元,股價升3.35%。上午收市恆指數升42國企指數跌0.67,科技指數跌16點,成交498億元。
Daily report
The Hong Kong market was range bound ahead of holiday.
The Hong Kong market opened higher on Friday. Hang Seng index rose 182 points, H share index up69 points and technology index up 54 points. Tencent rose 1.47% for 28-point gain. Meituan rose 1.4% for 25-point gain. HSBC rose 0.76% for 13-point gain. Techtronic rose 2.67% for 11-point gain. The Macau Government started consultation for license renewal. Gaming stocks rose. Sands rose 4.97% and Galaxy rose 3.23% to lead the blue chips. MGM rose 6.7%. Wynn rose 3.7%. SJM rose 3.8%. A shares opened up 3 points. The market’s gain narrowed after opening. Investors sold at high level to lock in profit. Gaoling Investment bought 4% of GCL. GCL rose 4%. Power generators rose. Datang NE rose 4.5%. China Power rose 2%. However, auto stocks fell. BYD’s Xian production was affected by lockdown. Share price fell 2.33%. However, Evergrande Vehicle soared 19%. Chinasoft sold down warrants of Shenzhen company. Share price crashed 13%. Tencent turned from gain to loss before close, causing 9-point loss in the index. CK Assets sold aircraft leasing business for 1.32 billion profit. Share price rose 3.35%. Hang Seng index closed up 42 points. However, H share index closed down 0.67 point and technology index down 16 points. Turnover was $49.8 billion.
利益申報 :
「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股
