UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:平台網絡股下跌,拖累港股。每日報告(23/11/2021)

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:平台網絡股下跌,拖累港股。每日報告(23/11/2021)
星期二港股開市大幅下挫,恆生指數跌262點,國企指數跌96點,科技指數跌95點。科技股領跌,美團跌2.55%,令指數跌58點。阿里巴巴跌2.99%,令指數跌51點。騰訊跌2.1%,令指數跌45點。藥明生物跌2.5%,令指數跌18點。港交所跌1.1%,令指數跌12點。A 股開市跌5點。開市後港股跌幅擴大,恆生指數跌3百多點。阿里系偏軟,阿里巴巴跌3.14%,阿里健康跌3%。創科跌3.6%,李寧跌3.4%,為跌幅最大2隻藍籌股。科技股繼續下跌,嗶哩嗶哩跌3.3%,京東跌3%,網易跌2.8%。海底撈升3.9%,為升幅最大藍籌股。內地制定電子煙立法,煙股急升,思摩爾急升10%。華寶升13%,中國波頓升30%,內房股上升,旭輝升5.2%,富力升3.3%,雅居樂升3.3%。太陽能股下跌,保利協鑫跌6%,新天綠色跌5.4%,新特能源跌2%,卡姆丹克跌3.3%。內地平台經濟面臨監管風險,騰訊跌2.7%,阿里巴巴跌3.1%,美團跌3%,拖累港股下跌。A股上午收市升15點。恆生指數上午收市跌253點,國企指數跌81點,科技指數跌85點,成交719億元。
下午早段港股變化不大,恆生指數跌2百多點。科技股領跌,美團跌2.77%,令指數跌63點。阿里巴巴跌2.99%,令指數跌51點。騰訊跌2.83%,令指數跌60點。藥明生物跌4.44%,令指數跌33點。安踏體育跌4.6%,為跌幅最大藍籌股,李寧跌3.97%,創科跌3.55%。吉利跌3.14%。速遞股個別發展,嘉泓物流升6.7%,嘉里物流跌2.95%。資源股上升,鋼鐵股造好,鞍鋼升4.97%,馬鋼升3.55%。煤股上升,中煤能源升2.44%,神華升1.6%,兗州煤升5.7%。中鋁升1.75%,江西銅升1.35%, 教育股逆市上升,思考樂升31%,光正教育升22.5%,新高教升8.4%,新東方在線升6.2%。網絡股下跌,阿里健康跌4.3%,明源雲跌4%,嗶哩嗶哩跌3%,但恆騰網逆市升17%。A 股收市升8點。恆生指數收市跌300點,國企指數跌102點,科技指數跌87點,成交1299億元。
Daily report
Internet platform shares fell to drag down the Hong Kong market.
The Hong Kong market opened sharply lower on Tuesday. Hang Seng index opened down 262 points, H share index down 96 points and technology index down 95 points. Technology stocks led the fall. Meituan lost 2.55% fort 58-point loss. Alibaba lost 2.99% for 51-point loss. Tencent lost 2.1% for 45-point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 2.5% for 18-point loss. HK Exchanges lost 1.1% for 12-point loss. A shares opened down 5 points. Technology stocks fell. Bili Bili lost 3.3%. JD lost 3%. Netease lost 2.8%. However, Haidilao rose 3.9% to become the top gainer. Electronic cigarette shares rose sharply. Smoore rose 10%. Huabao rose 13%. China Boton rose 30%. Mainland developers rose against the market. Cifi rose 5.2%. R & F rose 3.3%. Agile Group rose 3.3%. However, solar power shares fell. GCL lost 6%. China Suntian lost 5.4%. Xinte lost 2%. Comtec lost 3.3%. Internet platform shares came under pressure from the Government. Tencent lost 2.7%. Alibaba lost 3.1%. Meituan lost 3%. Heavyweight internet stocks dragged down the market. A shares closed the morning up 15 points. Hang Seng index closed the morning down 253 points, H share index down 81 points and technology index down 85 points. Turnover was $71.9 billion.
The market was little changed in early afternoon. Technology stocks led the fall. Meituan lost 2.77% for 63-point loss. Alibaba lost 2.99% for 51-point loss. Tencent lost 2.83% for 60-point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 4.44% for 33-point loss. Anta Sports lost 4.6% to lead the losers. Li-ning lost 3.97%. Techtronic lost 3.55%. Courier shares were mixed. CN Logistics rose 6.7%. However, Kerry Logistics lost 2.3%. ZTO Express lost 1.8%. Resources stocks rose. Steelmakers rose. Angang Steel rose 4.97%. Maanshan Iron rose 3.55%. Coal miners rose. China Coal rose 2.44%. China Shenhua rose 1.6%. Yanzhou Coal rose 5.7%. Chalco rose 1.75%. Jiangxi Copper rose 1.35%. Education shares rose against the market. Scholar Education rose 31%. Wisdom Education rose 22.5%. New Higher Education rose 8.4%. Koolearn rose 6.2%. Internet stocks fell. Ali Health lost 4.3%. Ming Yuan Cloud lost 4%. Bili Bili lost 3%. However, Hengten Net rose 17%. A shares closed up 8 points. Hang Seng index closed down 300 points, H share index down 102 points and technology index down 87 points. Turnover was $129.9 billion.
利益申報 :
「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股
