UTO 財經菲一般講股,有求必應財經

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股缺乏上升動力。每日報告(22/11/2021)

一週股市龍門陣,星級股評家,左起:驍騰原,黎家聰,陳顯歷,温冠麟,岑智勇,李慧芬,林家亨,朱紀菲,聶振邦,温傑,諸人進,巨鯨,楊德華 & 劉勝鈞。


UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股缺乏上升動力。每日報告(22/11/2021)


星期一港股開市微升,恆生指數升7點。國企指數升11點,科技指數跌1點。友邦保險升1.65%,令指數升31點。藥明生物升1.26%,令指數升16點。騰訊升0.4%,令指數升8點。相反滙豐跌1.4%,令指數跌26點。美團跌1%,令指數跌23點。李寧升1.9%,為升幅最大藍籌股。中石油跌1.4%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。被納入藍籌指數新貴上升。京東升3.3%。同樣新奧能源升6.6%,華潤啤酒升2.6%,網易升3.5%;但大熱倒灶的農夫山泉跌9%。因發行可換股債券,嗶哩嗶哩急挫15%,為跌幅最大科技股。A股開市升2點。開市後港股由升轉跌,但跌幅不大。油價下跌,石油股遍軟。中石油跌1.7%,中石化跌1.34%。長盈被通知不符合上市條件,急挫55%。宏華放債收不回,錄得嚴重虧損,急挫14%。相反,手機設備股急升,瑞聲升5.95 %,舜宇光學升4.7%,為升幅最大2隻藍籌股。澳門博彩股上升,金沙升3.2%,銀娛升2.7%。汽車股升,比亞迪升2.94%,吉利升2.3%,長城汽車升7%。恆大汽車配股集資,跌2.2%。A股上午收市升23點。港股上午收市前跌幅擴大,恆生指數上午收市跌88點,國企指數跌33點,科技指數跌51點,成交724.6億元。


Daily report

Hong Kong market lacked momentum to rise.

The Hong Kong market opened slightly higher on Monday. Hang Seng index opened up 7 points. H share index opened up 11 points and technology index down 1 point. AIA rose 1.65% for 31-point gain. Wuxi Biologics rose 1.26% for 16-point gain. Tencent rose 0.4% for 8-point gain. On the contrary, HSBC lost 1.4% for 26-point loss. Meituan losty 1% for 23-point loss. Lining rose 1.9% to lead the gainers. Petrochina lost 1.4% to lead the losers. For four new Hang Seng index constituent stocks rose sharply. JD rose 3.3%. ENN rose 6.6%. CR Beer rose 2.6%. Netease rose 3.5%. However, Gongfu Spring crashed 9% on its exclusion. Bili Bili crashed 15% upon issuance of convertible bond. A shares opened up 2 points. The market turned from gain to loss after opening. However, the market was range bound. Oil stocks fell. Petrochina lost 1.7%. Sinopec lost 1.34%. EPI crashed 55%, after HK Exchanges advised it failed to meet listing requirements. Honghua crashed 14% when it announced incurring serious losses from its loans. On the contrary, handset supplier shares rose. AAC rose 5.95% and Sunny Optical rose 4.7% to lead the blue chips. Macau gaming stocks rose. Sands rose 3.2% and Galaxy rose 2.7%. Auto stocks rose. BYD rose 2.94%. Geely rose 2.3%. Great Wall rose 7%. Evergrande Vehicle made placement. Share price lost 2.2%. A shares closed the morning up 23 points. The market’s loss widened in late morning trading. Hang Seng index closed the morning down 88 points, H share index down 33 points, and technology index down 51 points. Turnover was $72.46 billion.

The market fell further in the afternoon. Hang Seng index fell to a low of 24870, down 180 points. Meituan lost 4.1% for 96-point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 5.33% for 42-point loss. HSBC lost 1.1% for 20-point loss. Alibaba lost 0.93% for 16-point loss. Xiaomi lost 1.89% for 13-point loss. Haidilao lost 7% to become the top loser. On the contrary, AIA rose 1.3% for 24-point gain. BYD rose 6% for 30-point gain. Geely rose 4.6%. Gongfeng Lithium rose 4%. Handset suppliers led the blue chips. AAC rose 6.2%. Sunny Optical rose 8% for 24-point gain to become the top gainer. Sands rose 4.7%. Galaxy rose 4.1%. Hutchison Medical rose 12%, as it would announce clinical trial reports of two drugs under development. The two internet stocks JD and Netease rose on HSI inclusion. However, other internet stocks fell. Bili Bili lost 9%. JD Health lost 6%. Weimob lost 3.8%. Haier Smarthome lost 3.9%. A shares closed up 22 points. The market recovered slightly at the close. Hang Seng index closed down 99 points, H share index down 41 points, and technology index down 47 points. Turnover was $129.2 billion.



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「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股


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