UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股大幅反彈,科技股領升。每日報告(23/8/2021)

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股大幅反彈,科技股領升。每日報告(23/8/2021)
星期一港股大幅高開,恆生指數開市升319點,國企指數升120點,科技指數升115點。港交所及科技股領升,港交所大幅上升4.6%,為升幅最大藍籌股,令指數升56點。騰訊升3.4%,令指數升54點。美團升3.4%,令指數升51點。阿里巴巴跌1.26%,令指數跌20點,為跌幅最大藍籌股。A股開市升0.28%,上證綜合指數升9點。3隻入藍籌股份上升,招商銀行升4.4%。李寧升4.55%;信義玻璃升7%。開市後港股升幅擴大,恆生指數最高升至25458點,升699點。藍籌股幾乎全面上升。港交所升6.1%,令指數升75點。騰訊升3.8%,令指數升60點。藥明生物升7.6%,令指數升60點。小米升6%,令指數升50點。美團升3.4%,令指數升51點。阿里健康升8.3%,為升幅最大藍籌股。京東健康升11.3%。醫藥股急升,金斯瑞升16%,再鼎升14%,復銳醫療升14.4%,開拓藥業升10%,石藥升6.7%。互聯網股上升,網易升6.25%,嗶哩嗶哩升8.9%,快手升8.7%。恆大蝕讓香港總部,拖累股價大跌。恆大汽車跌14%,恆大物業跌7.3%,中國恆大跌7.9%。A 股上午收市升1%.,上證綜合指數升34點。恆生指數上午收市升450點,國企指數升147點,科技指數升183點,成交939億元。
Daily report
Pharmaceutical and insurance stocks fell sharply. Hong Kong market crashed.
The Hong Kong market rebounded strongly on Monday. Hang Seng index opened up 319 points, H share index up 120 points and technology index up 115 points. HK Exchanges and technology stocks led the rally. HK Exchanges will launch A share index future. Its share price rose 4.6% for 56-point gain. Tencent rose 3.4% for 54-point gain. Meituan rose 3.4% for 51-point gain. On the other hand, Alibaba lost 1.26% for 20-point loss to lead the losers. A shares opened up 0.28%. Shanghai composite index rose 9 points. Stocks that will become new HSI constituents rose sharply. CM Bank rose 4.4%. Lining rose 4.55%. Xinyi Glass rose 7%. The market soared after opening. Hang Seng index reached a high of 25458, up 699 points. HK Exchanges rose 6.1% for 75-point gain. Tencent rose 3.8% for 60-point gain. Wuxi Biologics rose 7.6% for 60-point gain. Xiaomi rose 6% for 50-point gain. Meituan rose 3.4% for 51-point gain. BYD rose 4.8% for 22-point gain. AIA rose 1% for 22-point gain. However, Alibaba lost 1.8% for 28-point loss. Ali Health rose 8.3% to lead the blue chips. JD Health rose 11.3%. Pharmaceutical shares soared. Genscript rose 16%. Zai Lab rose 14%. Sisram Medical rose 14.4%. Kintor Pharm rose 10%. CSPC rose 6.7%. Internet stocks rose. Netease rose 6.25%. Bili Bili rose 8.9%. Kuaishou rose 8.7%. Evergrande Group of companies fell sharply as its Hong Kong HQ was sold at a loss. A shares closed the morning up 1%. Shanghai composite index rose 34 points. Hang Seng index closed the morning up 455 points, H share index up 147 points, and technology index up 183 points. Turnover was $93.9 billion.
The market maintained its gain in the afternoon. Hang Seng index rose more than 400 points. HK Exchanges launched A shares index future. Share price rose 5.8% for 71-point gain. Wuxi Biologics rose 8% for 63-point gain. Tencent rose 3% for 49-point gain. Meituan rose 3.8% for 42-opint gain. Xiaomi rose 4.7% for 39-point gain. BYD rose 5.5% for 25-point gain. Power generators rose sharply. CR Power rose 8.1%. Huaneng rose 17%. China Power rose 13.8%. CGN New Energy rose 22% to lead all stocks. Alibaba lost 3.5% for 55-point loss. Some Hangzhou officials lost their jobs due to fallout from the failed Ant listing. Property management shares rose. CG Service rose 7% to lead the blue chips. S-Joy rose 7.6%. A Living rose 2.73%. New energy car shares rose. Qingling Motors delivered the first batch of hydrogen cars. Share price rose 16%. Wuling Motors rose 9.8%. BYD rose 4%. XPeng rose 4.8%. A shares closed up 50 points. The market’s gain narrowed in midafternoon. Blue chips retreated from morning highs. Hang Seng index gained more than 200 points. Hang Seng index closed up 260 points, H share index up 73 points and technology index up 126 points. Turnover was $169.8 billion.
利益申報 :
「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股

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