UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股大幅波動,反覆上升。每日報告(28/7/2021)

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股大幅波動,反覆上升。每日報告(28/7/2021)
下午早段港股跌幅擴大,恆生指數跌2百多點。友邦跌4.3%,令指數跌89點。騰訊跌5.1%,令指數跌86點。滙豐跌1.74%,令指數跌34點。信義光能跌8%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。港交所跌3.3%,令指數跌39點。舜宇光學跌6%,令指數跌21點。下午中段港股止跌回升,恆生指數升3百多點。藥明生物升10.5%,令指數升84點。美團升 8.25 %,令指數升125點。阿里巴巴升2.3%,令指數升39點。安踏體育升10.35%,令指數升38點。碧桂園服務升20%,令指數升39點。小米升3.5%,令指數升30點。互聯網及軟件服務股反彈,金蝶升10%,網易升7.36%,京東升2.8%,微盟升10%,中國有贊升5.6%,快手升3.67%,赤子城升10.5%。醫美股反彈,四環升10%,復銳醫療升3.36%,瑞麗醫美升3.5%,醫思健康升7%。A股收市跌0.58%,上證綜合指數跌19點。恆生指數以最高位收市25474點,升364點。國企指數升191點,科技指數升193點,成交2813億元。
Daily report
The Hong Kong market fluctuated wildly but ended sharply higher.
After falling sharply for two days, the Hong Kong market rebounded on Wednesday. Hang Seng index opened up 270 points, H share index up 133 points and technology index up 148 points. HSBC rose 2.67% for 52-point gain. Meituan rose 1.44% for 22-point gain. Sunny Optical rose 6.1% for 21-point gain. CCB rose 1.63% for 22-point gain. Sunny Optical rose 6.1% for 20-point gain. Tencent rose 1.12% for 18-point gain. Country Garden rose 8.3% and CG Services rose 7.2% to lead the blue chips. On the contrary, AIA lost 0.9% for 19-point loss. BYD lost 1.96% for 7-point loss. Education shares rebounded. Scholar Education rose 10%. Beststudy rose 9.8%. A shares opened down 25 points. The market soared after opening. Hang Seng index rose to 25520 points, up 434 points. However, the market quickly fell to profit taking. Hang Seng index turned from gain to loss. AIA lost 3.7% for 81-point loss. Tencent lost 3.7% for 61-point loss. Hang Seng index fell to a low of 24918, down 168 points. Hong Kong market had support and rebounded again. Wuxi Biologics rose 6.77% for 54-point gain to help lift the market. A shares closed the morning down 20 points. Hang Seng index closed the morning down 59 points. H share index closed up 33 points and technology index down 23 points. Turnover was $157.3 billion.
The market fell further in early afternoon. Hang Seng index lost more than 200 points. AIA lost 4.3% for 89-point loss. Tencent lost 5.1 for 86-point loss. HK Exchanges lost 3.3% for 39-point loss. Sunny Optical lost 6% for 21-point loss. HSBC lost 1.74% for 34-point loss. Xinyi Solar lost 7.6% to lead the losers. The market turned from loss to gain in midafternoon. Hang Seng index soared more than 300 points. Wuxi Biologics rose 10.3% for 84-point gain. Meituan rose 8.2% for 125-point gain. Alibaba rose 2.4% for 38-point gain. Anta Sports rose 9.65% for 36-point gain. CG Service rose 20% for 43-point gain. Xiaomi rose 3.7% for 32-point gain. Internet and SAAS shares rebounded. Kingdee rose 10%. Netease rose 7.36%. JD rose 2.8%. Weimob rose 10%. China Youzan rose 5.6%. Kuaishou rose 3.67%. Newborn Town rose 10.5%. Medical beauty shares rebounded. Sihuan rose 10%. Sisram Medical rose 3.36%. Raily Asmed rose 3.5%. EC Healthcare rose 7%. A shares closed down 0.58%. Shanghai composite index lost 19 points. Hang Seng index closed at the intraday high of 25474 points, up 387 points. H share index closed up 191 points, and technology index up 193 points. Turnover was $281.3 billion.
利益申報 :
「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股

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