UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股連跌3天後反彈。每日報告(22/7/2021)

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股連跌3天後反彈。每日報告(22/7/2021)
Daily report
Hong Kong market rebounded strongly after 3-day rout.
The Hong Kong market rebounded after a three-day rout. Hang Seng index opened up 240 points, H share index up 88 points and technology index up 89 points. Technology stocks led the rally. Meituan rose 1.33% for 28-point gain. Tencent rose 1.3% for 26-point gain. Alibaba rose 1.3% for 26-point gain. HSBC rose 1.3% for 25-point gain. AIA rose 0.75% for 16-point gain. Oil stocks rebounded. Petrochina rose 4.04% and Sinopec rose 2.82% to become the top gainers at opening. CNOOC rose 2.8%. The market rose further after opening. Hang Seng index gained more than 400 points as financials rose sharply. AIA rose 2.6% for 57-point gain. HSBC rose 2.8% for 54-point gain. CCB rose 1.5% for 19-point gain. Meituan rose 4.1% for 87-point gain. Internet and SAAS shares rose sharply. Weimob rose 10%. China Youzan rose 8%. Yeahka rose 3.6%. Kuaishou rose 3.76%. Bili Bili rose 5.4%. JD rose 3.2%. Solar energy stocks rose. Xinyi Solar rose 4.75%. Comtec rose 3.1%. Solargiga rose 3.9%. Xinte rose 3.7%. Gongfeng Lithium rose 5%. Macau gaming stocks rose. Sands rose 3.9%. Galaxy rose 3.3%. A shares closed the morning up 0.33%. Shanghai composite index closed up 11 points. Hang Seng index reached a high of 27760, up 536 points and closed up 480 points. H share index closed up 162 points and technology index up 140 points. Turnover was $76.9 billion.
The market was little changed in the afternoon. Hang Seng index gained more than 400 points. Meituan rose 3.4% for 72-point gain. AIA rose 2.4% for 52-point gain. HSBC rose 2.4% for 43-point gain. Alibaba rose 1.87% for 38-point gain. The top blue chip gainers were : Xinyi Solar up 6.2%; Galaxy up 4.74%; Techtronic up 4.3%. Education shares rebounded after long decline. Scholar Education rose 19%. Koolearn rose 14%. New Oriental rose 7%. New Higher Education rose 7.5%. Online game stocks rose. Idreamsky rose 8.2%. Boyaa rose 6.5%. Netdragon rose 3.9%. CMGE rose 2.5%. Economic recovery stocks rose sharply. Steelmakers rose. Angang Steel rose 6.5%. Maanshan Iron rose 6.8%. Chongqing Iron rose 7.2%. Non-ferrous metals rose. Jiangxi Copper rose 4.3%. Chalco rose 5.7%. MMG rose 7.5%. Shipping stocks rose. OOIL rose 11%. Cosco Holding rose 3.35%. Cosco Development rose 3.25%. Pacific Basin rose 6.3%. SITC rose 6%. Evergrande resolved differences with GF Bank. Share prices rebounded. Evergrande Vehicle rose 30%. China Evergrande rose 7.87%. Evergrande Property rose 3.6%. Mainland developers rose. Longfor rose 3.9%. Country Garden rose 3.5%. CR Land rose 2.95%. A shares closed up 0.34%. Shanghai composite index closed up 12 points. Hang Seng index closed up 499 points, H share index up 175 points and technology index up 162 points. Turnover was $137.1 billion.
利益申報 :
「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股

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