UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股持續下跌。每日報告(21/7/2021)

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股持續下跌。每日報告(21/7/2021)
下午港股變化不大,恆生指數維持跌1百多點。美團跌2.1%,令指數跌45點。騰訊跌1.66%,令指數跌32點。藥明生物跌3.1%,令指數跌31點。小米跌2.2%,令指數跌21點。舜宇升6.7%,為升幅最大藍籌股,令指數升23點;高偉電子升5.4%。比亞迪升6.4%,令指數升24點。港交所升2.7%,令指數升37點。新能源股上升,新等能源升9.3%,龍源電力升4.4%。信義能源升4.54%,中國玻璃急升12.2%。贛峰鋰業升16%,東岳集團升6.8%,卡姆丹克升3.3%。有色金屬股上升,中鋁升4.4%,洛陽鉬業升8.9%.,五礦資源升6.67%. 江西銅升0.3%。個別醫療股急升,佳兆業健康急升41%。復銳醫療批股集資,股價急升16%。開拓藥業升12%。亞盛醫藥升12%。復星醫藥升5.6%。A股收市升0.73%,上證綜合指數升26點。港股下午中段跌幅收窄,恆生指數跌不足100點。收市恆生指數跌39點,國企指數跌33點,科技指數跌10點,成交1568億元。
Daily report
Hong Kong market continued to fall.
The Hong Kong market opened higher on Wednesday. Hang Seng index opened up 80 points, H share index up 43 points and technology index up 43 points. Wuxi Biologics’ major shareholder made placement to raise funds. Share prie fell 4.35% for 45-point loss. Meituan lost 1.3% for 28-point loss. On the contrary, Alibaba rose 1.38% for 28-point gain. AIA rose 0.86% for 19-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 1.05% for 14-point gain. CSPC rose 2.43% to become the top gainer at opening. A shares opened up 0.3%. Shanghai composite index opened up 10 points. The market fluctuated between gain and loss but finally sellers gained the upper hand. Great Wall Motor reported strong interim profit. Share price soared 13%. Geely rose 3.3%. BYD rose 4.3%. Blue Moon interim results turned from profit to loss. Share price crashed 8.2%. The market fell further and Hang Seng index lost more than 200 points. Technology stocks led the fall. Meituan lost 2.83% for 62-point loss. Tencent lost 2.12% for 43-point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 3.6% for 37-point loss. Xiaomi lost 2.7% for 27-point loss. Anta lost 4.6% to become the top loser for 20-point loss. However, Sunny Optical rose 6% to lead the gainers. Hang Seng index fell to a low of 26971, down 288 points. SAAS shares fell sharply. Weimob lost 8.4%. XD lost 4.3%. Kuaishou lost 2.5%. However, China Youzan rose 3.8%. A shares closed the morning up 21 points. The market rebounded near midday. Hang Seng index closed down 100 points. H share index closed down 48 points and technology index down 13 points. Turnover was $91.56 billion.
The market was little changed in early afternoon. Hang Seng index lost more than 100 points. Meituan lost 2.1% for 45-point loss. Tencent lost 1.66% for 32-point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 3% for 31-point loss. Xiaomi lost 2.2% for 21-point loss. On the contrary, Sunny Optical rose 6.7% to lead the blue chips for 21-point gain. BYD rose 6.4% for 24-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 2.7% for 37-point gain. New energy stocks rose. Xinte rose 9.3%. China Longyuan rose 4.4%. Xinyi Energy rose 4.54%. China Glass rose 12.2%. Gongfeng Lithium soared 16%. Non-ferrous metals rose. Chalco rose 4.4%. Luoyang Molybdenum rose 8.9%. MMG rose 6.67%. Jiangxi Copper rose 0.3%. Some healthcare share rose sharply. Kaisa Health soared 41%. Sisram Medical rose 16% after placement. Kintor Pharmaceutical rose 12%. Ascentage rose 12%. Fosun Pharmaceutical rose 5.6%. A shares closed up 0.73%. Shanghai composite index closed up 26 points. The market rebounded in late afternoon. Hang Seng index lost under 100 points and closed down 34 points. H share index closed down 33 points and technology index down 10 points. Turnover was $ 156.8 billion.
利益申報 :
「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股

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