
UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:藍籌股急升,港股強力反彈。每日報告(23/6/2021)

一週股市龍門陣,星級股評家,左起:驍騰原,黎家聰,陳顯歷,温冠麟,岑智勇,李慧芬,林家亨,朱紀菲,聶振邦,温傑,諸人進,巨鯨,楊德華 & 劉勝鈞。


UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:藍籌股急升,港股強力反彈。每日報告(23/6/2021)





下午港股變化不大,恆生指數維持升4百多點。美團升3.8%,令指數升87點。藥明生物升3.85%,令指數升42點。友邦保險升2%,令指數升44點。阿里巴巴升1.97%,令指數升40點。海底撈跌3.6%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。呷哺呷哺跌2.6%。有色金屬股上升,江西銅升2.3%,中鋁升6.4%,洛陽鉬業升2.8%。俄鋁升3%,宏橋升2.5%。煤炭股上升,兗州煤升7.4%,中煤能源升4.8%,中國神華升2.5%。手機設備股上升,舜宇光學升7.4%,瑞聲升2.5%,高偉電子升3%。贛峰鋰業升8.1%。個別醫藥股急升,希瑪眼科急升20%,瑞麗醫美升20%。愛帝宮升15.3%。康希諾下午復牌,升13%。下午中段升幅擴大至500點。美團升5.5%,令指數升122點。友邦升3.15%,令指數升69點。阿里巴巴升2%,令指數升40點。藥明生物升4%,令指數升40點。A股收市升0.25%,上證綜合指數升9點。恆生指數收市升 507點,國企指數升 204點,科技指數升 208點,成交1566億元。

Daily report

Blue chips rose strongly. Hong Kong stocks rebounded strongly.

The Hong Kong market rebounded on Wednesday. Hang Seng opened up 158 points, H share index up 56 points and technology up 56 points. AIA and technology stocks rose to lead the market. AIA rose 2.18% for 48-point gain. Tencent rose 1.13% for 24-point gain. Meituan rose 1.02% for 23-point gain. Alibaba rose 0.98%R for 20-point gain. Shenzhou International rose 2.64% to become the top gainer. Longfor lost 1.15% to become the top loser at opening. The market rose further after opening, as Hang Seng index gained more than 400 points. Meituan rose 4.5% for 105-point gain. Auto stocks rose. Geely rose 8% to lead the blue chips for 25-point gain. BYD rose 3.8%. Great Wall rose 8.2%. Medical stocks were mixed. Blue chips Sino Biopharm lost 2% and CSPC lost 1%. However, Wuxi Biologics rose 2%. Cansino soared 11% before suspension. Fosun Pharm rose 3.4%. Antengene rose 9.6%. Genscript rose 7.7%. Vivatech rose 8%. Medical equipment shares fell. Chunli Medical lost 15%. AK Medical lost 4%. Kangji Medical lost 1.5%. Sportswear shares rose. Xtep rose 4.3%. Anta rose 2.3%. Lining rose 1.8%. Shipping stocks continued to advance. Cosco Holdings rose 6%. Cosco Development rose 7.45%. OIL rose 6.6%. Solar energy stocks fell. Xinyi Solar lost 4%. Flat Glass lost 1%. Comtec lost 2.2%. A shares closed the morning up 0.46%. Shanghai composite index closed up 16 points. Hang Seng index reached a high of 28763 up 454 points, and closed up 412 points. H share index closed up 149 points and technology index up 146 points. Turnover was $80.8 billion.

The market was little changed in the afternoon. Hang Seng index gained more than 400 points. Meituan rose 3.8% for 87-point gain. Wuxi Biologics rose 3.85% for 42-point gain. AIA rose 2% for 44-point gain. Alibaba rose 1.97% for 40-point gain. Haidilao lost 3.6% to become the top loser. Shabu Shabu lost 2.6%. Non-ferrous metals rose. Jiangxi Copper rose 2.3%. Chalco rose 6.4%. Luoyang Moly rose 2.8%. Rusal rose 3%. China Hongqiao rose 2.5%. Coal stocks rose. Yanzhou Coal rose 7.4%. China Coal rose 4.8%. China Shenhua rose 2.5%. Cansino resumed trading and rose 13%. Handset suppliers rose. Sunny Optical rose 6.3%. AAC rose 2.5%. Cowell rose 3%. Ganfeng Lithium rose 8.1%. Medical services shares rose sharply. C-Mer Eye rose 20%. Raily Asmed rose 20%. Aidigong rose 15.3%. The market rose further in midafternoon. Hang Seng index soared more than 500 points. Meituan rose 5.5% for 122-point gain. AIA rose 3.15% for 69-point gain. Alibaba rose 2% for 40-point gain. Wuxi Biologics rose 4% for 40-point gain. A shares closed up 0.25%. Shanghai composite index rose 9 points. Hang Seng index closed up 507 points, H share index up 204 points and technology index up 208 points. Turnover was $156.6 billion.



利益申報 :


「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股


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