UTO財經| 菲一般講股 | 藺常念:美團急挫,拖累港股。每日報告(13/4/2021)

UTO財經|菲一般講股 | 藺常念:美團急挫,拖累港股。每日報告(13/4/2021)
下午港股急回,從上午高位回渞。恆生指數跌至28461點,只升8點。A股跌幅擴大至0.6%,上證綜合指數跌20點。權重股急回,友邦保障,建設銀行,阿里巴巴等升幅收窄,拖累港股。友邦保險升2.86%,令指數升77點。阿里巴巴升1%,令指數升16點。但美團急跌7.6%,拖累指數跌107點。藥明生物跌2.24%,令指數跌17點。騰訊跌0.73%,令指數跌18點。小米跌1.4%,令指數跌14點。手機設備股下跌,舜宇光學跌2%,瑞聲跌1.2%。下午港股最高升至28610,升157點。但由於美團急挫7.6%,令到升幅收窄。A股收市跌0.48%,上證綜合指數跌16點。恆生指數收市升44 點,國企指數跌 23點,科技指數跌 130點,成交 1428億元。
Daily report
Meituan fell sharply to drag down the market.
The Hong Kong market rose on Tuesday. Hang Seng index opened up 104 points, H share index up 29 points and technology index up 6 points. Alibaba rose 3.36% to lead the blue chips for 50-point gain. HSBC rose 1.1% for 24-point gain. AIA rose 0.83% for 23-point gain. Meituan lost 0.67% for 9-point loss. Sino Biopharm lost 1.5% to top the losers. A shares rose 0.02%. Shanghai composite index rose 1 point. Mainland developers rose. Longfor rose 2.9%. CR Land rose 1.5%. The market soared after opening. Hang Seng index gained more than 400 points. AIA rose 4% for 111-point gain. HSBC rose 1.86% for 42-point gain. Alibaba rose 3.6% for 53-point gain. Tencent rose 1.1% for 29-point gain. However, Meituan lost 2% for 28-point loss. Mainland banks rose. CCB rose 2.2% for 36-point gain. ICBC rose 1.5% for 14-point gain. Hang Seng index reached a high of 28877, up 424 points. Sportswear shares rose. Anta Sports rose 5.5% for 17-point gain. Xtep rose 7.5%. Lining rose 4%. Topsports rose 1.7%. Local properties especially landlords rose. Wharf rose 6.74% to lead the gainers. Link rose 2.63%. New World rose 3.2%. On the other hand, steelmakers fell. Chunqing Iron lost 5.8%. Angang lost 2.5%. Maanshan lost 2.44%. A shares closed the morning down 0.01%. Shanghai composite index lost less than 1 point. Hang Seng index closed the morning up 274 points, H share index up 68 points and technology index down 26 points. Turnover was $72.2 billion.
The market’s gain narrowed sharply in the afternoon. Hang Seng index fell to 28461 points in early afternoon, up only 8 points. A shares fell 0.6%. Shanghai composite index lost 20 points. Heavyweights retreated from morning highs. AIA, CCB and Alibaba all retreated by a wide margin. AIA rose 2.86% for 77-point gain. Alibaba rose 1% for 16-point gain. In addition, Meituan lost 6.5% for 93-point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 2.24% for 17-point loss. Tencent lost 0.73% for 18-point loss. Xiaomi lost 1.4% for 14-point loss. Handset suppliers fell. Sunny Optical lost 2%. AAC lost 1.2%. Hang Seng index rose to a high of 28610, up 157 points. However, the market fell back due to Meituan’s 7.6% fall. A shares closed down 0.48%. Shanghai composite index closed down 16 points. Hang Seng index closed up 44 points, H share index down 24 points and technology index down 130 points. Turnover was $142.8 billion.
利益申報 :
「TG」炒股同學會 | 菲一般講股

#UTO財經 #智易東方證券有限公司行政總裁 #藺常念 #每日報告 #菲一般講股