UTO財經| 菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股先跌後急升。每日報告(17/2/2021)
星期三港股開市下跌。恆生指數跌110點,國企指數跌44點,科技指數跌36點。新經濟股回吐,美團跌1.96%,為跌幅取大藍籌股,令指數跌39點。騰訊跌0.54%,令指數跌18點。港交所跌1.1%,令指數跌18點。小米跌1%,令指數跌12點。舊經濟股上升,友邦保險0.48%,令指數升15點。滙豐升0.55%,令指數升13點。新鴻基地產升1.88%,為升幅最大藍籌股,令指數升6點。開市後跌幅擴大,恆生指數跌2百多點。騰訊及美團領跌。華虹半導體日本大股東NEC趁高估貨,拖累股價跌7.3%。舜宇跌3.2%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。恆生指數跌至30503點,跌243點。軟件服務股反彈,移卡升12%,中國有贊升7.7%,微盟升6.2%,兌吧升6%。電影股上升,華誼騰訊升10%,貓眼娛樂升3%。但恆騰網絡跌11%,赤子城跌14%。比特幣升至5萬美元,相關股份急升。火幣科技升23%,雄岸科技升16%。低位港股有支持,恆生指數跌幅收窄,由跌轉升。平保升3.15%,令指數升41點,美團及騰訊由跌轉升,滙豐升1.75%,領導港股反彈。京東升5.8%及創新高,京東健康升3.2%。 但平安好醫生跌1.6%,眾安跌1.6%。接近中午港股升幅擴大,恆生指數升2百多點,最高升至30955,升209點。上午收市恆指數升199點,國企指數升135點,科技指數升79點,成交1065億元。
下午港股升幅擴大,恆生指數升4百多點。權重股領升,騰訊升2%,令指數升70點。港交所升4%,令指數升63點。平保升3.5%,令指數升46點。滙豐升1.53%,令指數升35點。美團升1.5%,令指數升30點。中海油升6.5%,為升幅最大藍籌股。中石化升5.3%,石油服務股跟石油股急升,巨濤油田服務升56%,安東油田升14%。京東升7%,移卡獲女股神增持,升22%。瑞聲升6.1%,金沙升5.2%,銀娛升2.1%。藥明生物跌1.93%,令指數跌20點。舜宇光跌2.87%,令指數跌12點。友邦跌0.48%,令指數跌15點。香港地產股回軟,九倉跌2.9%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。恆隆地產跌2%,長實集團跌1%。物流股熱炒,嘉泓物流升13%,圖通物流升17%,但中通速遞跌3%,ESR跌2.93%。傳中國考慮限制稀土金屬出口,金屬股上升。江西銅升3.5%,中鋁升2.6%,洛陽鉬業升3%,新疆新鑫升17%,紫金升5.4%。恆生指數最高升至31168點,升422點。收市升 338 點,國企指數升 192 點,科技指數升 250 點,成交 2080 億元。
Daily report
The market soared after opening lower due to profit taking.
Profit taking hit the Hong Kong market on Wednesday. Hang Seng index opened down 110 points; H share index down 44 points and technology index d own 36 points. Technology stocks suffered selloff. Tencent lost 0.54% for 18-point loss. Xiaomi lost 1% for 12-point loss. HK Exchanges lost 1.1% for 18-point loss. However, old economy stocks rose. HSBC rose 0.55% for 13-point gain. SHK Property rose 1.88% to lead the gainers for 6-point gain. The market fell further after opening as investors took profit. Tencent and Meituan led the fall. Huahong’s Japanese shareholders NEC sold stocks at high level. Share price fell 7.3%. Sunny Optical lost 3.2% to lead the losers. SAAS rebounded. Yeahka rose 16%. China Youzan rose 7.7%. Weimob rose 6.2%. Duiba rose 6%. Film stocks rose. Huayi Tencent rose 10%. Maoyan Entertainment rose 3%. However, Hengten lost 11%. Newborn Town lost 14%. Bitcoin soared to over US$50000. Related shares soared. Huobi Technology rose 23%. Grandshores rose 16%. The market had support at low level. Ping An rose 3.1% for 41-point gain. Meituan and Tencent turned from loss to gain. HSBC rose 1.75% to lead the rebound. JD rose 5.8% and set record high. JD Health rose 3.2%. PA Good Doctor lost 1.6%. Zhongan lost 1.6%. The market rose further near midday, with Hang Seng index gaining 200 points. Hang Seng index reached a high of 30955, up 209 points and closed up 199 points. H share index closed up 135 points and technology index up 79 points. Turnover was $106.5 billion.
The market rose further in the afternoon. Hang Seng index soared more than 400 points. Heavyweights led the rally. Tencent rose 2% for 68-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 4% for 63-point gain. HSBC rose 1.53% for 35-point gain. Meituan rose 1.5% for 30-point gain. Ping An rose 3.42% for 45-point gain. CNOOC rose 6% to lead the blue chips. Sinopec rose 5.4%. Oil services shares soared. Jutal rose 56%. Anton rose 14%. AAC rose 6.1%. Sands 5.3% and Galaxy rose 2.1%. JD rose 7%. Yeahka soared 22% as Kathy Wood increased holdings. On the contrary, Wuxi Biologics lost 1.93% for 20-point loss. Sunny Optical lost 2.87% for 12-point loss. AIA lost 0.48% for 15-point loss. Local properties fell to profit taking. Wharf lost 2.9% to lead the losers. Hang Lung Property lost 2%. CK Assets lost 1%. Logistics shares were mixed. YTO Express rose 17%. CN Logistics rose 13%. However, ZTO Express lost 3%. ESR lost 2.93%. Metal shares rose as China was considering restricting the export of rare earth metals. Jiangxi Copper rose 3.5%. Chalco rose 2.6%. Luoyang Moly rose 3%. Xinxin Mining soared 22%. Zijin rose 5.4%. Hang Seng index reached a high of 31168, up 422 points and closed up 338 points; H share index up 192 points and technology index up 250 points. Turnover was $ 208 billion.
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