UTO財經| 菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股大幅波動,騰訊一度跌破$700。每日報告(27/1/2021)

星期三港股大幅波動,開市上升,恆生指數升165點,國企指數升78點,科技指數升88點。阿里巴巴升3.3%,令指數升50點。滙豐升1.3%,令指數升28點。中海油升4.34%,為升幅最大藍籌股,令指數升14點。美團跌1.74%,令指數跌30點。友邦保險跌0.6%,令指數跌18點。安踏跌3.9%,為跌幅最大藍籌股,令指數跌14點。A股開市升0.17%,上證綜合指數升6點。開市後港股升幅一度擴大,恆生指數升2百多點。權重股升幅擴大,阿里巴巴,滙豐,騰訊,小米,等領升。恆生指數最高升至29636點,升245點。但高位守不住,美團,騰訊,藥明生物下挫,拖累港股由升轉跌。美團跌5%,令指數跌85點。騰訊跌穿700元,令指數跌75點。恆生指數跌至29194點,跌197點。汽車股大跌,吉利跌6.3%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。長城汽車跌7.6%,比亞迪跌6.5%。新能源股崩盤,陽光能源跌24%,卡姆丹克跌22%,保利協鑫跌11%,福萊特玻璃10%。SAAS軟件服務股大跌,阜峰跌12%,移卡跌9%,微盟跌7%。港股低位有承接,投資者趁低吸納,跌幅收窄。A 股上午收市跌0.03%,上證綜合指數跌1點。恆生指數上午收市升62點,國企指數升28點,科技指數跌82點,成交1563億元。
Daily report
Hong Kong stocks fluctuated wildly. Tencent fell below $700 momentarily.
The Hong Kong market opened higher on Wednesday. Hang Seng index opened up 165 points; H share index up 78 points and technology index up 88 points. Alibaba rose 3.3% for 50-point gain. HSBC rose 1.3% for 28-point gain. CNOOC rose 4.34% to become the top gainer for 14 point gain. On the contrary, Meituan lost 1.74% for 30-point loss. AIA lost 0.6% for 18 point loss. Anta lost 3.9% to become the top loser for 14 point loss. Tencent lost 0.35% for 11-point loss. A shares opened up 0.17%. Shanghai composite index rose 6 points. The market rose sharply right after opening. Hang Seng index rose more than 200 points, as Alibaba, HSBC and Tencent led the rally. Crude oil rose. Oil stocks led the blue chips. CNOOC rose 6.3%. Petrochina rose 3.3%. Sinopec rose 2.9%. Hang Seng index rose to a high of 29636, up 245 points. Then the market reversed direction as Meituan, Tencent and Wuxi Biologics fell to bring down the market. Meituan lost 5% for 85-point loss. Tencent fell below $700 for 75-point loss. Hang Seng index fell to a low of 29194, down 197 points. Auto stocks fell sharply. Geely lost 6.3% to lead the losers. Great Wall lost 7.6%. BYD lost 6%. New energy stocks crashed. Solargiga lost 24%. Comtec lost 22%. GCL lost 11%. Flat Glass lost 10%. SAAS shares fell sharply. Vobile lost 12%. Yeahka lost 9%. Weimob lost 7%. Then the market rebounded as investors went bottom fishing. Tencent soared above $700. A shares closed the morning down 0.03%. Shanghai composite index closed down 1 point. Hang Seng index closed up 62 points. H share index closed up 28 points but technology index closed down 82 points. Turnover was $156.3 billion.
The market was little changed in early afternoon as Hang Seng index gained under 100 points. The official media had positive news on Alibaba. Alibaba rose 3.4% for 50-point gain. In addition, China Mobile rose 4.2% for 28-point gain. CNOOC rose 4.7% for 18-point gain. The three heavyweights plus the banks led the market’s rally. On the other hand, AIA lost 1.34% for 40-point loss. Meituan lost 1.7% for 29-point loss. Geely lost 3.74% for 18-point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 1.9% for 18 point-loss. Xiaomi lost 1.15% for 14-point loss. The official media was critical of the chaos in the new energy car production. Auto stocks fell. Geely lost 4.2%. BYD lost 3.4%. Great Wall lost 5.7%. L’Occitane rose 25% on broker upgrade. A shares closed up 0.11%. Shanghai composite index closed up 4 points. Hang Seng index closed down 93 points. H share index closed down 44 points and technology index down 159 points. Turnover was $255.1 billion.

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