UTO財經| 菲一般講股 | 藺常念:紐交所不再計劃把中資電訊股除牌,電訊股帶動港股反彈。

星期二港股開市下跌,恆生指數跌191點,國企指數跌76點,科技指數跌67點。阿里巴巴跌3.3%,拖累指數跌48點。藥明生物股東配股,跌3.6%,令指數跌30點。滙豐跌1.1%,令指數跌23點。中國移動跌3.2%,令指數跌21點。相反美團升1.16%,令指數升15點。A 股開市跌0.31%,上證綜合指數跌11點。開市後港股跌幅擴大,恆生指數跌超過250點。主因是友邦保險跌1.5%,令指數跌44點。開市後港股由低位反彈,跌幅收窄,恆生指數跌不足50點。主因是騰訊升2.5%,令指數升61點。港交所升3%,令指數升38點。中國移動升7.4%,令指數升48點。內地銀行地產借貸限於總貸款4成,令到內房股持續下跌,中國海外跌3.52%,為跌幅最大藍籌股。碧桂園跌2.2%,華潤置地跌1.6%。物流股大幅上升,圓通速遞升28%,嘉泓物流升10%。絲路物流升11%,太平洋航運升4.5%。紐交所不再計劃把中資電訊股除牌,電訊股升勢凌厲。中國聯通升10%,中國移動升8%,中國電信升8%。被列入黑名單的基建股反彈,中車升5.6%,中鐵升4.4%,中鐵建升5.5%,中交建升4.8%。A股上午收市跌0.05%,上證綜合指數跌1.76點。恆生指數最高升至27473點,升11點,收市84跌。國企指數跌11點。科技指數跌63點,成交1185億元。
下午早段港股變化不大,恆生指數跌不足1百點。友邦保險跌2.1%,令指數跌62點。阿里巴巴跌2.55%,令指數跌38點。平保跌1.7%,令指數跌23點。藥明生有高層減持,跌2.7%,令指數跌22點。美國紐交所取消把中資電訊股除牌,電訊股急升。中國聯通升7.8%,為升幅最大藍籌股。中國移動升5.8%,令指數升36點。騰訊升1.3%,令指數升34點。港交所升2.2%,令指數升28點。下午中段港股由跌轉升,電訊股,港交所及騰訊急升,帶動港股上升。中國移動升7.9%,令指數升52點。港交所升3.76%,令指數升49點。騰訊升1.6%,令指數升41點。聯通升9.4%,中國電信升5.7%。電訊器材股上升,中興升3.2%,鐵塔升6.4%,京信通信升3%。醫療股急升,微創醫療升14%,愛康醫療升9.8%,春立醫療升5.9%。榮昌生物升10%,康方生物升9.8%。A 股收市升0.73%,上證綜合指數升25點。恆生指數收市升177點,國企指數升51點,科技指數跌26點,成交2150億元。
Daily report
Telecom stocks soared as NYSE did an about-turn on delisting.
The market opened lower on Tuesday. Hang Seng index opened down 191 points, H share index down 76 points and technology index down 67 points. Alibaba lost 3.3% for 48-point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 3.6% to top the losers for 30 point loss. HSBC lost 1.1% for 23 point loss. China Mobile lost 3.2% for 21-point loss. On the contrary, Meituan rose 1.16% for 15-point gain. A shares opened down 0.31%. Shanghai composite index opened down 11 points. The market fell further after opening. Hang Seng index lost more than 250 points. AIA lost 1.5% for 44-point loss. The market rebounded after opening as investors went bargain hunting. Hang Seng index turned from loss to gain 1 point for a moment. Heavyweights rose to lift the market. Tencent rose 2.5% for 61-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 3% for 38-point gain. China Mobile rose 7.4% for 48-point gain. On the contrary, Mainland developers fell as the Central Bank restricts bank lending to developers to 40% of loan portfolio. China Overseas Land lost 3.52% to lead the losers. Country Garden lost 2.2%. CR Land lost 1.6%. Logistics shares soared. YTO Express soared 28%. CN Logistics rose 10%. Silkroad Logistics rose 11%. The NYSE withdrew the order to delist the three Chinese telecoms. Telecom shares rebounded strongly. China Unicom rose 10%. China Mobile rose 8%. China Telecom rose 8%. Infrastructure shares also rebounded. CRRC rose 5.6%. China Rail rose 4.4%. China Rail Construction rose 5.5%. China Comm Construction rose 4.8%. A shares closed the morning down 0.05%. Shanghai composite index lost 1.76 points. Hang Seng index rose to a high of 27473, up 1 point and closed down 84 points. H share index closed down 11 points and technology index closed down 63 points. Turnover was $118.5 billion.
The market was little changed in early afternoon. Hang Seng index lost under 100 points. AIA lost 2.1% for 63-point loss. Alibaba lost 2.55% for 37-point loss. Ping An lost 1.7% for 23 point loss. Wuxi Biologics lost 2.7% for 22-point loss. The NYSE cancelled the delisting of Chinese telecoms. Telecom shares rebounded. China Unicom rose 7.8% to lead the blue chips. China Mobile rose 5.8% for 36-point gain. Tencent rose 1.3% for 34-point gain. Then, the market turned from loss to gain in midafternoon, as China Mobile, HK Exchanges and Tencent rose to lead the rally. China Mobile rose 7.8% for 52-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 3.6% for 48-point gain. Tencenet rose 1.6% for 41-point gain. China Unicom rose 9.6%. China Telecom rose 5.7%. Telecom equipment shares rose. ZTE rose 3.2%. China Tower rose 6.4%. Comba Telecom rose 3%. Medical shares rose. Medical treatment shares soared. Microport rose 14%. AK Medical rose 9.8%. Chunli Medical rose 5.9%. Biotech shares rose. Remegen rose 10%. Akeso rose 9.8%. A shares closed up 0.73%. Shanghai composite index closed up 25 points. Hang Seng index closed up 177 points. H share index closed up 51 points. Technology index closed down 26 points. Turnover was $215 billion.

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