
[跑步] 給我一個跑步的理由 Give Me a Reason to Run

「跑步是很辛苦的。」「在烈日當空下跑步是很痛苦的。」「一個人跑步是很沉悶的。」香港人生活忙碌,當有空閒時間,我們會爭取時間休息片刻。然而,只要你願意抽取少許時間跑步,你便可以幫助社會上的弱勢社群了。社會企業「善‧幫‧愛聯盟」旗下推出創新項目「膳動衡FOODSPORT」。「膳動衡FOODSPORT」的其中一個活動是跟樂家跑會合作舉辦的每月一次跑步項目,名為「RUN ON溫」。「RUN ON溫」主要是透過舉辦跑步活動,將活動中參加者所消耗的卡路里經由FOODSPORT註冊營養師計算出相等卡路里的食物,然後轉化為食糧單位,把食物捐贈予弱勢社群。你有興趣一同參與這項有意義的跑步運動嗎?

“Running is exhausting.” “Running under the scorching sun is suffering.” “Running alone is boring.” Hong Kong people are busy. When we have free time, we would take the time to rest for a while. If you are willing to spare some time to run, then you can help the unprivileged in the society. Symbol Of Alliance, a social enterprise, has launched an innovative event “FOODSPORT”. One of its monthly running event called “RUN ON 溫” is cooperating with Love and Care Running Association. “RUN ON 溫” mainly organizes running activities. The registered FOODSPORT nutritionists will calculate the calories burned in the participant’s body and calculate the same calories of food, then converting it to food units.

Are you interested in participating in this meaningful run?

文: Carmen Cheung

每月「RUN ON 溫」都會在不同的地點於黃昏進行,絕對適合擔心在烈日當空下跑步的愛美女孩子!參加者可以一邊跑步,一邊跟其他跑手欣賞沿路風景,非常寫意!九月「RUN ON 溫」的跑步活動於九龍灣運動場出發,跑至啟德跑道公園折返,來回八公里。無疑,八公里跑步對於習慣性跑步的參加者來說是難度有限。然而,每次「RUN ON溫」當中有一半新手參加者。對於新手參加者來說,八公里跑步真是談何容易!不過,新手參加者無須過份擔心,倘若跑步途中感到疲倦,參加者可以選擇步行至起點稍作休息。加上,每次「RUN ON 溫」也安排專業教練、營養師及義跑員跟參加者一起跑步,讓參加者可以放心地樂在其中。

“RUN ON 溫” takes place in different places every month in the evening which is absolutely suitable for girls who are beauty lovers and worried about running when the hot sun is high in the sky. Participants can run and enjoy the view with other runners along the way. It’s very relaxing! “RUN ON 溫” running event in September was an 8 km run, the running route was Kowloon Bay Sports Ground – Kai Tak Runway Park – Kowloon Bay Sports Ground. Undoubtedly, 8 km run is not so difficult for participants who run regularly. However, half of the participants are new comers for every “RUN ON 溫” event, for whom 8 km run is not easy. But don’t worry. If participants feel tired during the run, they may walk to the starting point and take some rest. Also, professional trainers, nutritionists and voluntary runners will be accompanying participants to run together to let participants rest assured and enjoy the event.

「膳動衡FOODSPORT」創辦人Healthy Wong說:「計算卡路里方面,由FOODSPORT註冊營養師利用每位參加者的性別、身高、體重、運動類型等,計算出每位參加者所消耗的卡路里,然後把卡路里轉化為食糧。舉例來說,一小時跑步平均消耗600個卡路里,即大約相等於三碗白飯。」他補充,「參加者消耗愈多卡路里,愈多食物會被捐贈予受惠機構。」「膳動衡FOODSPORT」每三個月分為一季,每季會邀請不同的受惠機構接受食物捐贈,曾跟「膳動衡FOODSPORT」合作的受惠機構包括惜食堂、香港婦聯、樂群社會服務處、香港聖公會福利協會、香港明愛及食德好等。

“The registered FOODSPORT nutritionists will calculate the burned calories of each participant using their sex, height, weight, sport type, etc. And then transfer the calories into the same amount of food. For example, 600 calories are burned on average for running an hour which equals to 3 bowls of rice.” said Healthy Wong, the founder of FOODSPORT. He added, “the more calories burned, the more food will be donated to the beneficiary organizations.” Different beneficiary organizations will be invited to receive food donation every quarter. The beneficiary organizations which has been cooperating with FOODSPORT include Food Angel, Hong Kong Women Development Association, Lok Kwan Social Service, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited, Caritas Hong Kong and Food Grace, etc.

「給我一個跑步的理由」,理由是 ─ 為善心而跑!


Give me a reason to run; the reason is – RUN FOR KINDNESS!

A small step for everyone, a huge step for the world! Are you willing to make your sweats from sports more meaningful?

For more information, please check out the Facebook page of FOODSPORT.

「RUN ON 溫」跑手


Participant FOON, a fashion worker. “Other runners and I didn’t know each other at first, but we’re willing to run for collecting food. We even became friends.” She said.


Participant Natalie, a University student. “Being able to run and see the beautiful view with other runners, I wouldn’t be bored if my boyfriend run faster than me!” She said.


Participant Samantha, an office lady. “In the previous event it started raining during the run, but other runners didn’t mind getting wet and kept running. It was very touching!” She said.


Participant Cherry, a primary school PE teacher. “Converting calories into food has to be accomplished by the runners’ encouragements to each other!” She said.

「『RUN ON 溫』令我每晚都會堅持落街跑步,為下個月嘅『RUN ON 溫』做好準備!」

Participant Ka Yee, an office lady. ” ‘RUN ON 溫’ made me keep on running near my home every night to prepare for the ‘RUN ON 溫’ next month!” She said.


Participant Franco, a student. “Running can actually be that meaningful. Not only do I benefited, but also the society.” He said.

不少人誤以為只有男士喜歡做運動,其實每次「RUN ON 溫」亦成功邀請不少女參加者參與其中。

Many people misunderstands that only men like playing sports. In fact every “RUN ON 溫” successfully invites many ladies participants to run.


Registered trainer of Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association Chan Ka Ho led participants to do warm up exercises.

是次「RUN ON 溫」共有80人參與,場面熱鬧。

80 people participated in “RUN ON溫” this time. The scene was bustling.

是次「RUN ON 溫」再一次突破記錄,總共消耗33547卡路里。

“RUN ON 溫” broke the record again this time, burning 33547 calories in total.

「膳動衡FOODSPORT」創辦人Healthy Wong

The founder of FOODSPORT, Healthy Wong.

左:「膳動衡FOODSPORT」創辦人Healthy Wong

The founder of FOODSPORT Healthy Wong is on the left; registered trainer of Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association Chan Ka Ho is on the right.



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